The Women's FEST EXPO will take place on Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. Entry is free, and vendors will be offering a tempting selection of jewelry, photography, t-shirts, scarves, chocolate, books, artwork, and more. Nonprofit organizations will also be on hand with information and resources of particular interest to women.

New this year is the Sapphic Literary Pop-Up Bookstore, brought to FEST by a collaboration between Bywater Books, an award-winning publisher of lesbian books, and the Sapphic Literary Pop-Up Bookstore.

The Sapphic women are authors from a variety of publishers who have collaborated to sell their own books directly to readers. Sweetening the deal—all the authors will be on site to do readings, sign books, and chat with readers. The Pop-Up Bookstore will be open during the full time of the EXPO, and will also be open the day before, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday at the Convention Center.

During the FEST Expo, Beebe nurses will conduct free health screenings in the mobile health van in the convention center parking lot. The screenings will include testing for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), bone density, and memory issues. Those interested in tests for BMI or bone density are asked to wear shoes that are easy to remove, as you must be barefoot to complete the tests. Those interested in the blood tests should fast for six hours prior to the screening for the most accurate results. A Beebe women’s health physician will be on site to answer questions and provide information on test results.

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